Mastermind Group By multiGen
together we can do the impossible

The concept of the mastermind group was formally introduced by Napoleon Hill in the early 1900’s. In his timeless classic, “Think And Grow Rich” he wrote about the “master mind” principle as:
“The coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony.”
He continues…
“No two minds ever come together without thereby creating a third, invisible intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind.”
In a mastermind group (also known as a peer advisory board), the agenda belongs to the group, and each person’s participation is key. Your peers give you feedback, help you brainstorm new possibilities, and set up accountability structures that keep you focused and on track. You will create a community of supportive colleagues who will brainstorm together to move the group to new heights.
You’ll gain tremendous insights, which can improve your business and personal life. Your mastermind group is like having a objective board of directors.
Our private Inner Circle Multigenerational Wealth Mastermind groups are by approval process only. To apply click below. Our Mastermind administrator will reach out to send you the questionair for approval.
Our Mastermind groups are limited to 10 people per group and ran by a triained MultiGen Host. You will start by creating specific mission and goal for joining our private mastemind group. Our team members desire you to reach your goals as quickly and harmoneously as possible. Which means being being guided to the right people to help you acheive what your called here to do.
You will meet your mastermind group 2 times per month and meetings are limited to 2 hours. You will be invited to join our private facebook group and encouraged to reach out and introduce yourself to your individual team members.
- Solutions and ideas, which come from brainstorming with the group
- Tap into the experience and skills of others, including the Facilitator
- Increased confidence that you’ve made the right decisions and are taking the right actions to achieve your goals
- Accountability and real progress in your business and personal life
- An instant and valuable support network
- A sense of shared endeavor – there are others out there!
- Design things to be the way you want them to be, not as you’ve been told they “should” be
- A boost to your everyday positive mental attitude