

Vision Casting Coaching

Throughout history we see that great pursuits and movements and organizations have begun from a Divine Vision. In this coaching we focus on helping you hear, find, and develop your divine vision. Leaders always see how things “should be”, and going about creating movements to cause things to change. My favorite verse is: ‘Without a vision the people parish”. As a leader your main job is to “Cast Your Vision”. In this coaching container we will focus on what your divine vision is, and teaching you to cast your vision to your team. Here we learn what the “Jesus Principle” is, in regard to building a core team. The first thing an entrepreneur needs to do is attack, choose and train up their “Core Group” or “True Group.” Your vision is not for everyone. But for whom you are called, they will hear your voice and follow you. You must first define what your divine vision is, and then be able to attract a Core Group to support your cause and be able to cast your vision over and over again. Until your Core Group is living and breathing the vision as you do.

The man who believes he is on a Divine Mission from God is unstoppable

Without a vision the people parish


Expansion Coaching

In this container we teach entrepreneurs to think bigger and think expansion. Most entrepreneurs never scale past the “One Man Show”. We help the business owner to replace themselves and create an organizational chart and a 100 year plan for their business. Which includes a plan for the business to go on without them, both while they are still alive and most importantly after they die. How sad is it, to see a visionary whose vision dies with them! There is as Phase 1 and Phase 2 of every business. It’s the difference between a small 1 man company and an actual “Organization” that functions on its own breath and energy and Life Force as would an “Organism”. We use this coaching container to teach and instill these principles to scale a business much larger than it currently is. There is a skill set of Vision Casting and Organizational Planning that most entrepreneurs need to proceed further in their businesses. Here we help you EXPAND!


King and Queen Coaching

Here we coach men and women to begin walking in their King Energy or their Queen Energy. There is a big difference between a man or woman acting out their Prince or Princess verses their Queen or King. Often times, we keep calling in what we ARE BEING. Often, we struggle to call in the King or Queen we have been working to Manifest and end up calling in someone that is not good for us. This coaching container we hone in on the subtle differences between a fully empowered King or Queen by identifying what the differences are and using Behavioral and Spiritual based practices to alter behavior patterns, Mindset and Spiritual practices. This coaching container is for those ready to graduate to the highest version of themselves and rid themselves of the little boy and little girl in each of us. Not ridding them as-if the “Little Boy or Little Girl is bad,” Rather, we learn to embrace our inner child and keep them safe. In this coaching container you will be called forth into your GREATNESS!

Vision Casting Coaching

Throughout history we see that great pursuits and movements and organizations have begun from a Divine Vision. In this coaching we focus on helping you hear, find, and develop your divine vision. Leaders always see how things “should be”, and going about creating movements to cause things to change. My favorite verse is: ‘Without a vision the people parish”. As a leader your main job is to “Cast Your Vision”. In this coaching container we will focus on what your divine vision is, and teaching you to cast your vision to your team. Here we learn what the “Jesus Principle” is, in regard to building a core team. The first thing an entrepreneur needs to do is attack, choose and train up their “Core Group” or “True Group.” Your vision is not for everyone. But for whom you are called, they will hear your voice and follow you. You must first define what your divine vision is, and then be able to attract a Core Group to support your cause and be able to cast your vision over and over again. Until your Core Group is living and breathing the vision as you do.

The man who believes he is on a Divine Mission from God is unstoppable

Without a vision the people parish

Expansion Coaching

In this container we teach entrepreneurs to think bigger and think expansion. Most entrepreneurs never scale past the “One Man Show”. We help the business owner to replace themselves and create an organizational chart and a 100 year plan for their business. Which includes a plan for the business to go on without them, both while they are still alive and most importantly after they die. How sad is it, to see a visionary whose vision dies with them! There is as Phase 1 and Phase 2 of every business. It’s the difference between a small 1 man company and an actual “Organization” that functions on its own breath and energy and Life Force as would an “Organism”. We use this coaching container to teach and instill these principles to scale a business much larger than it currently is. There is a skill set of Vision Casting and Organizational Planning that most entrepreneurs need to proceed further in their businesses. Here we help you EXPAND!

King and Queen Coaching

Here we coach men and women to begin walking in their King Energy or their Queen Energy. There is a big difference between a man or woman acting out their Prince or Princess verses their Queen or King. Often times, we keep calling in what we ARE BEING. Often, we struggle to call in the King or Queen we have been working to Manifest and end up calling in someone that is not good for us. This coaching container we hone in on the subtle differences between a fully empowered King or Queen by identifying what the differences are and using Behavioral and Spiritual based practices to alter behavior patterns, Mindset and Spiritual practices. This coaching container is for those ready to graduate to the highest version of themselves and rid themselves of the little boy and little girl in each of us. Not ridding them as-if the “Little Boy or Little Girl is bad,” Rather, we learn to embrace our inner child and keep them safe. In this coaching container you will be called forth into your GREATNESS!


Single Sessions: You are able to book a single session to be coached on one of the 3 topics

4 Session Package: You are able to book a 4-session package where we will cover all 3 of the topics in smaller capacities

3 Month Coaching Program: You are able to book a 3-month coaching container where we will spend 1 month on each of the 3 topics



PAYMENT PLANS: (Payment Plans are only available for 3 Month Coaching Package)